发布时间:2022-08-31 11:00:11
Have you noticed that we can hardly live without mobile internet and smartphone apps in our daily lives?
Actually, the mobile internet has been a burgeoning trend in the past decade. In 2012, for the first time, the number of mobile internet users surpassed the number of people using personal computers to go online.
Last year, China had 1.032 billion netizens, with an internet penetration rate of 73 percent, while the proportion of mobile internet users reached 99.7 percent. People spent an average of 28.5 hours on the internet every week.
The internet has also been reaching seniors and people in rural areas, gradually bridging the digital divide among the technologically challenged.
Last year, 57.6 percent of the rural population had access to the internet, while 43.2 percent of people age 60 and older used the internet.
Instant messaging through WeChat and other apps has been the biggest motivation for people to get online in the past decade.
In 2013, the number of users seeking online news services saw the highest year-on-year rise than other services, reaching 491 million, slightly more than that for online videos. The number of online video users surpassed that of online news in 2018.
In 2015, mobile online shopping surpassed personal computer to become the majority choice of portal. Last year, the value of e-commerce transactions reached 42.3 trillion yuan ($6.4 trillion).
The platform economy is developing rapidly, covering daily activities such as travel, eating and accommodations. The number of people using the internet to order food deliveries, hail rides and book travel services has risen in recent years.
Last year, the proportion of people who use the internet for work purposes and medical services rose 35.7 percent and 38.7 percent respectively year-on-year.
电子商务快速发展,网络零售交易额达到1.85万亿元。中国超过美国成为全球第一大网络零售市场。The value of online retail sales in China hits 1.86 trillion yuan ($294 billion), surpassing the United States to become the world’s largest online retail market.
阿里巴巴赴美上市,成为美国历史上最大一笔IPO,一跃成为仅次于谷歌的世界第二大互联网公司。Alibaba goes public in the US, hosting the largest IPO in US history and becoming the second-largest internet company in the world after Google.
李克强总理在政府工作报告中提出制定“互联网+”行动计划。Premier Li Keqiang proposes planning for the Internet Plus initiative when he delivers the government work report.
大数据、区块链、生物识别、移动互联等新技术成为金融业创新发展的驱动力。New technologies, such as big data and blockchain, become the driving force for the innovation and development of finance.
中国互联网百强企业的互联网业务收入总规模达到1.07万亿元。The combined revenue of the top 100 Chinese internet companies hits 1.07 trillion yuan, with Tencent leading the pack.
《中华人民共和国电子商务法》通过。China passes the E-Commerce Law.
《密码法》通过,标志着密码将成为保障我国网络空间安全的核心技术。The Cryptography Law is passed to safeguard information and cybersecurity.
中国已建成全球最大的5G网络。China builds the world's largest 5G network.
在疫情来临之际,互联网企业大力推广非接触式经济发展新模式。Internet companies promote the development of the noncontact economy amid the COVID-19 epidemic.
反垄断指南等政策相继出台,《国务院反垄断委员会关于平台经济领域的反垄断指南》正式印发。Policies and guidelines are issued to prevent any internet giant achieving a monopoly of the platform economy.
我国正式申请加入《数字经济伙伴关系协定》,驱动数字贸易快速发展。China officially applies to join the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement.
数据来源:中国互联网网络信息中心(CNNIC) 国家统计局
《我国网民人均每周上网29.5小时是怎么回事,关于我国网民人均每周上网29.5小时是多少的新消息。》更新于时间:2022-08-31 11:00:11;由本站小编进行发布,目前浏览的小伙伴达到,感谢你们的支持,后期快乐收录网小编会继续为大家更新更多相关的文章,希望广大网友多多关注快乐收录网工作心得栏目,如果觉得本站不错,那就给我们一个分享的支持吧!
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